Short but busy February

March 09, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

I have now been running my business for just over a year and I have decide that 2015 is the year to push myself.

Weymouth Harbour
Weymouth Harbour

One of the first things I have done is join my local Chamber of Commerce, I have been a proud member of the Dorset Chamber for the past year but I felt that I should also join a local chamber as it will introduce me to another set of business who hopefully I can work with in the future.

So on the morning of the WPCC breakfast I woke up nice and early and ready to network, however I was greeted with snow! not something we often get in Dorset, however after the other half kindly de-snowing my car I was ready to go. The WPCC is a great chamber with lots of lovely and friendly people and I have already made some great contacts. On the way home it only felt right to make a few stops and photograph the snow.

03-02-2015  17

This month has also been super busy with work, I’ve had various property shoots for a local building firm, a PR shoot for Alan & Thomas with Gully’s Place, society style shoots at various lunches & events, professional head shots, PR shots of a Eco Garden at the Dolphin Shopping Centre, and one of the biggest jobs photographing nearly 500 ATM parts for a Poole based company. I can’t believe I have managed to fit all of it in in one short month. I always feel like February is a month in which you blink and its over, but I have loved every minute of it.

March is already looking like it could be a busy one with a food shoot, Gala dinner and office opening already booked in. So I had better get on with it.

Have a great month, x


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